The Idea

The Intergalactic Community of Sentient Life (ICSL) is willing to rescue the best and brightest from impending doom on planet earth. For this they have developed an elaborate AI testing device, which is now ready to be deployed for the first time: the Turing Collaboration Capsule.

ICSL has decided that Burning Man 2019 and its advanced society will be the best test bed to verify the capability of this cunning and transformative capsule and adjust the parameters as needed.

We as a society need to prove to the ICSL that we are worthy and are finally ready to work together as a team to make our planet and the galaxy at large a better place. As the ICSL has no common language they have decided to use music as a common means of communication.

To avoid overwhelming the less efficient  brains of Earth’s denizens, ICSL went back in time and chose one of the most recognizable shapes from our sophomoric spacefaring history: the Command Capsule (an instantly recognizable representation of Earth’s exploratory space program).